Comprehensive Consultancy Services Overview
Sustainable Farming Practices
Project: Sustainable Planning at Gopal Farms, Florida, USA
Description: Led sustainable agricultural planning and management at Gopal Farms, promoting eco-friendly practices and high-quality produce while transforming the farm into a hub for education and research in organic farming.
Farmer Producer Company Consultancy
Project: Consultancy for Various Farmer Producer Companies
Description: Offered consultancy services to multiple Farmer Producer Companies, optimizing agricultural practices, enhancing productivity, and improving market access through sustainable farming techniques.
Integrative Agricultural Rehabilitation
Project: Central Institute on Mental Retardation (CIMR)
Description: Offered consultancy services to multiple Farmer Producer Companies, optimizing agricultural practices, enhancing productivity, and improving market access through sustainable farming techniques.
Microenterprise Development for JLGs
Project: Training Methods for Joint Liability Groups (JLGs)
Description: Developed and implemented a training program for JLG members, equipping them with the skills to launch and manage microenterprises, fostering economic growth in rural communities.
Crop Insurance Scheme Evaluation
Project: Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) Evaluation
Description: Conducted an impact assessment of the PMFBY scheme, providing actionable recommendations to enhance its effectiveness and improve the economic security of farmers.
Agricultural Program Coordination
Project: Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action (CISSA)
Description: Coordinated agricultural development programs, providing technical support and problem-solving solutions to enhance productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector.
Technology for Banana Fiber Extraction
Project: Popularization of Banana Fiber Extraction Technology
Description: Spearheaded a project to introduce advanced technology for banana fiber extraction, adding value to the fiber and significantly boosting the income of banana farmers
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(+91) 906-120-0861
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